albendazole to guatemala

feedback from our distributing partner HOL

METAD funds albendazole to many impoverished countries throughout the world. “Every day we appreciate your donations when we see how many people benefit from the products they send us.  The situation in Guatemala worsens every day, there is no work, food is expensive, many people do not have their own home, and they have to survive day by day.  

Albendazole is an antiparasitic medicine or medicine to eliminate parasites when there are already in people, due to poor diet and poor hygiene when cooking food at home, people tend to get sick with stomach pains and also stomach swelling, this is caused by the parasites that inhabit the human body due to poor hygiene or poor nutrition, many children in Guatemala due to the same poverty that they experience sleep and eat on the ground, and since they are so young they do not take care to wash their hands after getting dirty from dirt or from bacteria that inhabit objects that are handled with the hands. 

Bottles of Albendazole were delivered to people who watch over the health of the villagers, and on behalf of all these people. There are parasites that, by not treating them with medication, can damage vital organs and cause serious illnesses. When I told them what Albendazole is for, they were very happy and confident - took the medication and thanked us for always think of those most in need.”


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