honduras milk grant report

Dear Bobbi and the marvelous METAD partners,

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the life-giving milk that you provide for the children of House of Hope in Honduras! House of Hope has been serving in San Pedro Sula now for 7 ½  years, and the ministry has really grown. There are many malnourished children who enter the program when their moms are new, but when they start drinking the nutritious whole milk that METAD provides they flourish.

Our ministry provides help to the women and children who are coming out of prostitution and trafficking. Weekly we are ministering in three locations. For the past 2 ½ years METAD has been donating milk for the children who live in the El Castro Brothel. This year we have added a second brothel location called El Castro Two, which is about 5 blocks away from where we had been ministering. The needs are overwhelming there and the milk for the children is such a blessing. Starting in 2023, the staff is teaching discipleship in both of these dark places on a weekly basis. It is exciting to see how lives are being changed and the milk that you provide is a big part of that.  This is a very difficult situation and we are sad to see the children living there in such horrible conditions. Twice each month you bring a smile to the face of those kids. 

In the Chamelecon area of the city, which is about a forty-five minute drive from the Women of Hope building, there are twenty-eight families in our discipleship and vocational training program. This discipleship group is thriving! The children in this program are also grateful for the nutritious milk that you provide. A third group of women meet several times a week in our building downtown for vocational training. The milk distribution is a great blessing for those children as well. It is an integral part of keeping them well nourished. Currently in all three locations there are more than eighty women and more than a hundred children in the program.

It has been such a blessing to be able to provide milk to the women and children that have not been able to get good nutrition.

Through your partnering with us here in Honduras, families are being changed when they come to receive the milk because they are hearing the gospel message and learning about Christ's love for them.

I , April, am personally so grateful for the generosity of METAD for providing the $2500 milk grant. Thank you so much! 

We respectfully request that you please renew our milk grant for a $2500 additional amount to continue this valuable program.

April Havlin, International Director


01/05/23. 2 bags of Milk..................... $243.95

01/23/23. 2 bags $244.07

02/14/23. 2 bags $243.20

02/22/23. 2 bags $250.00

03/02/23.  2 bags   $243.00

04/05/23.  4 bags $465.06

05/08/23.  2 bags $233.00

06/08/23.  2 bags  $232.60

06/23/23.  3 bags $349.00

TOTAL CONSUMED....$2,503.88

We thank all the people who support us in this beautiful project of being able to feed many children from the ministry, children who are malnourished, lacking in vitamins and iron, but because of your generosity today many children are benefiting by being able to have a glass of milk in their homes. God BLESS you greatly and mightily in Jesus Name 🙏

Mercedes Oneida, National Director


I hope that everyone is doing well. I just would like to share with you about one of the families that benefit from the milk program. 

This young woman's name is Maria Fernada. She doesn't live downtown but in one of the communities in San Pedro Sula named Carmen. It is one of the rougher areas in the city. She has three young children and lives with her dad now. The younger two children in this photo are the grandchildren of another one of the women in our program. The children's father recently drowned while getting sand out of the river. She told me that her mom died three years ago and it has been emotionally hard on her. She started crying when she told me about her mom. She said that she is grateful for the milk program because it gives her children something to eat. Please pray for her safety and for her heart to heal. She is very grateful for your support in the health of the children in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. I am also grateful for the milk to give the needed nutrition to the children here in Honduras.

God bless,

Joy Ruffner


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